Monday, November 28, 2016

As A Man Thinketh-The Thought Factor

Have finished As A Man Thinketh. Now starting Choose Them Wisely by Mike Dooley. Here's a supposedly free link to the book. Make sure you check out the link first. It should be safe but one never knows:  Please be careful about downloading it to your apparatus
I am reading The "Thought Factor in Achievement" from As A Man Thinketh..


Still reading, I am on the last chapter of  As A Man Thinketh. Serenity is the title of the chapter. I believe I will have to re-read this little book.

There is also a video on of this Here's the link to an audio version of the book:

I am not yet sure how my adventures in self realization will end but I will keep you posted

Is man truly what he thinks? Can this be proven? Does God like thoughts build a man? Is this what Jesus Christ meant by the Kingdom of God is within? Luke 17:21?

Here are some of the ideas from this chapter:
1. To achieve sacrifice is necessary
2. Elevated thoughts bring achievement
3.To Conquer weakness put away selfish thoughts.
4.The Universe does not favor the greedy, dishonest, cruel but may appear to do so.

(To be continued)
Lessons today:
Man's circumstances is an exact ratio to his thinking.
The soul attracts what it fears and what it loves.
Every thought seed produces it own fruit. Good thought=good outcomes
Circumstance does not make the man but reveals him to himself
Man is the master of his thought.
Men do not attract what they want but what they are.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

This is a blog about my adventures in self realization. The journey is through books, videos etc. The reader can keep up with my progress.

Friday, November 25, 2016

My adventures in self realization takes a back seat to my  I am working on the Christmas page. Let me know what you think of it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

In The Beginning

This blog is the result of my decision to embark on a pathway of self improvement. It is one of the moments of desire for change. Ever had one of those moments Dear Reader? Well this is my moment. Let's see how it will turn out.

By the way, comments are welcome.

First step: Embark on reading binge on self improvement
Second step: Apply what reading suggests
Third step: Update application of said suggestions
Fourth step: Evaluation of steps